Coffeehouse Coming Soon!

One of the best ways we believe we can show compassion to those in need is to engage with our community on a regular basis.

To do this, we started Compassion Coffee in 2022. Set up as a nonprofit wholly owned by Compassion Church, we currently operate a travel coffee cart. The dream has always been to open a coffeehouse and we now have a lease signed for a location!

We are thrilled that the coffeehouse will serve as our new church home! This is intentional, as a coffeehouse will provide space for us to engage with the community and show the love of Christ on a daily basis. It also provides a practical way for us to care for those in need in Anoka as we'll be providing employment, skills-training, and resources for people affected by homelessness.

Our worship gatherings will consist of singing songs together, giving back to God, praying with one another, and studying Scripture together. We'll have a variety of tables, chairs, and couches to make this time an informal, authentic time of worship.

Throughout the week, we'll also host events for people to grow in their faith such as public Scripture reading nights, worship nights, Bible studies, etc.

Support Financially

One of the most helpful ways to support us right now is through financial giving.

We are aiming to raise $20,000 as a church for our new church home! These funds will help with finishing touches in the space, equipment needed for gatherings, and costs to host outreach events. If you'd like to contribute to our $20,000 goal, please give by clicking the button below and choosing the General Fund. This will help us have funds for general expenses as we gear up for our new location as a church!

With Compassion Coffee also existing as a nonprofit, we'll be raising $100,000 separately for the remodel and equipment. If you'd like to contribute to Compassion Coffee's fundraising goal, please visit Regardless of where you choose to give, both are now tax-deductible.


Another way to support us is to volunteer for one of our cleaning parties! Please click the link below and it'll take you to the page where you can sign up and learn how else you can help with the coffeehouse!
